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Sunday, January 4, 2009

Fargo Restaurant Review: The Old Broadway Downtown Fargo.

The Old Broadway: The Old Broadway, which has been at the intersection of Broadway and NP Avenue since the mid 70's, is now two restaurants: one a sports bar and the other a restaurant that caters to the downtown business crowd. This review will be about the latter.

The original bar is still there and the floor the old fashioned small white tile, not doubt the floor of the previous establishment, which I think was DeLendrices department store. Or maybe Herbst's, but I don't think it matters.
They serve free popcorn and salted in the shell peanuts, which, just like Lone Star, you must dispose of the shells properly. I.e. not on the floor. Amazingly, this requirement is observed religiously by the clientele.

Make no mistake about it: this is a young businessman's hangout. The TV's show sports and the Bloomberg channel. The food consists of steaks, burgers, sandwiches and some specialty items. The novelty is that they have daily "blue plate specials" that are pushed out at lunch time and are available until they are gone. Blue plate specials go back to the 40's, at least and probably before that and were available at the diners that used to dot our urban areas. Some typical specials might be walleye of Friday's, hot roast beef sandwich with mashed potatoes and gravy another day, with a different offering each day of the week.

There is also a healthy menu which actually contains my favorite meal: a somewhat thin(I don't like the thin part) rib-eye steak with blue cheese crumbled on top and green beans, very good green beans.

The food is tasty, the help exactly what you would expect in such an establishment, young, helpful, positive if somewhat aloof. Of course, you can have those exquisite Broadway browns with anything..

A full bar is available. It is a bit pricey. Expect to pay $20 for dinner, excluding drinks.


Fargo Restaurant Review

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